  • Figure-modeling-mold-for-sugar-paste
  • Figure-modeling-mold-for-sugar-paste
  • Figure-modeling-mold-for-sugar-paste

Number modeling mold

High quality silicone modeling mold (compliant with food contact regulations) for sugar paste, almond paste, chocolates, which will be used to shape pretty figures in a pennant decoration for decorating your cake.

Can also be used for frozen or cooking preparations thanks to its temperature resistance ranging from -40°C to +210°C.

Tip: place the filled mold in the refrigerator for a few moments to make unmolding easier.

Dimensions of the mold: 11 x 11 cm

Custo : Count : 0
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Delivery scheduled between the 02/12/2025 and 02/13/2025
Free delivery from 49€ of purchases*
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Features Number modeling mold

Type of molds
Chiffres & Lettres
Katy Sue Designs
In stock

Positionnez la pâte à sucre dans la cavité du moule, appuyez bien avec les doigts, enlever le surplus de pâte à sucre.

Placez le moule au congélateur entre 5 et 15 minutes puis démoulez.

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