  • Knot-modeling-mold-for-sugar-paste
  • modeling-mold-knots-sugar-paste
  • silicone-mold-knots-for-sugar-paste

Modeling mold 3 knots different sizes

Make different sizes of knots with this high-quality silicone mold (compliant with food contact compliance standards).

It can be used with sugar paste, marzipan but also with wax, clay...

Can also be used for ice cubes or for cooking preparations thanks to its temperature resistance ranging from -40°C to +210°C

Tip: place the filled mold in the refrigerator for a few moments to make unmolding easier

Knot dimensions:

- large bow: 3.5 x 3.2 cm

- medium knot: 3 x 2.8 cm

- small bow: 2.5 x 2.2 cm

Custo : Count : 0
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Delivery scheduled between the 02/18/2025 and 02/19/2025
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Features Modeling mold 3 knots different sizes

Type of molds
Katy Sue Designs
In stock

Positionnez la pâte à sucre dans la cavité du moule, appuyez bien avec les doigts, enlever le surplus de pâte à sucre.

Placez le moule au congélateur entre 5 et 15 minutes puis démoulez.

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