Push cookie cutter

Push cookie cutter

Cookie cutter with pusher

You can find the push cookie cutter under another name: the piston cookie cutter, the operation remaining the same.

The goal with this pastry utensil is to obtain a perfect shape while adding a pattern, the cutter will give the overall shape to the biscuit, when you press the push button, a pattern is printed on it!

You can easily get cookies with very detailed designs! Flowers, butterflies, letters, shells, you make your life easier with push cookie cutters. You don't have to draw complicated shapes on the cookie, the push cookie cutter takes care of that for you, they are so detailed that you can, for example, make the veins of butterfly wings.

Also discover our flower cookie cutters .

The different uses of the push cookie cutter

The push cookie cutter has several possible uses, on biscuits or on sugar paste.

Use on sugar paste

The main use of the push cookie cutter is on sugar paste. There are several ways to use it on this type of dough.

- By applying the cookie cutter directly to the sugar paste as a pattern stamp. You simply have to apply a little pressure on a cakedesign to print the shape on it.

- By creating subjects in sugar paste! You must spread it thinly then place the cutter on top, press well, then press the piston so that it releases the shape thus created. Unmolding is easy with the pusher, and you obtain magnificent edible shapes to place on your cake designs.

Use it for cookies

This is a less classic use because it is more difficult to achieve. In fact, biscuit dough is less solid than sugar dough and more malleable, so you will have to be delicate when you unmold the dough using the plunger. Find all our cookie recipes on the blog.

You will also need to be careful when cooking because the dough may swell and the patterns could be erased or cracked.

Otherwise the way to use the push cookie cutter is the same, you simply have to apply it to the dough and press the piston when you think that the dough is well applied in the cutter.

Also discover our cookie cutters .