Cupcake cases

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Beautiful Cupcake and Muffin Liners

To make delicious cupcakes, you need liners worthy of the occasion. Regardless of the theme of your birthday or your sweet table, you will find on this page liners in vibrant colors, as well as more subdued tones, or even with heart, polka dot, and many other patterns.

Classic liners with a diameter of 5cm, tulip liners, as well as metallic liners...

Present your cupcakes properly with the numerous liners available on our website.

Cupcake cases

Cheap cupcake box

Have fun choosing your cupcake cases from a multitude of choices at the best prices on!

The box is essential for making your cupcakes. It is placed before baking in one of the cavities of your cupcake mold . It doesn't just have an aesthetic use, in fact it allows you to hold the cupcake dough during cooking. By placing a box in the cavity of a mold before pouring the dough, this allows you to give a pretty shape to the mini cake.

The cupcake case also allows for easy unmolding of your pastries. It also allows for better preservation of the pastry. Finally, the cupcake box also makes transport more practical and protects the individual cake, a bit like a cupcake box .

There are also several types of cupcake boxes:

The paper cupcake case for the oven

These are the cheapest and most common boxes. They are generally disposable, so we only use them once. It can go in the oven without worries.

We offer many models of paper cupcake cases , you can also use them for other small individual cakes such as muffins. Often colorful, the paper allows for more varied patterns, they can also be transparent.

Given how thin the box paper can be, do not hesitate to put two boxes in the same cavity for optimal support. You can also find paper cupcake cases lined with food grade aluminum foil for added strength.

Silicone cupcake cases

Unlike paper cupcake cases , you can reuse silicone cases, the first of the many advantages of this material. They are generally more expensive, so we obviously reuse them. They also allow for very easy unmolding of pastries thanks to their moldability.

There are colored or uncolored silicone cases, with or without patterns. They can also take several shapes, circles, hearts, squares...

Discover all our silicone molds .

Cupcake cases in different patterns, sizes and colors

There are different shapes of cupcake cases.

- The main one is the round pleated paper box . It's simply a round with folds around the edge, patterns which give its shape to the cupcake. This is the first cupcake decoration .

- Another very popular one is the tulip box which wraps the pastry like a flower, this will not leave veins on the pastry.

- We also offer the lesser known but often more designer and original wrap box , it will not leave marks on the cupcake either.

- Finally, there is the very simple traditional box with a rounded edge.

There are some for all sizes of cupcakes or muffins you want to make, from mini at 3.5 in diameter to large at 5 cm in diameter. Whatever the shape, the boxes are available in different colors.

For example, we sell batches of 50 plain boxes in red, blue, pink, silver, gold, etc. Or batches containing 300 boxes of 6 different colors. Some are also decorated with patterns like polka dots, chevrons, hearts, butterflies, gingham checks, snowflakes, etc.

Find cupcake recipes on our blog.

Pour utiliser les caissettes a cupcake en papier, placez les dans dans un moule à cupcake ou muffin puis une fois votre pâte à cupcake prête, remplissez chaque caissettes au 2/3 avec de la pâte.

Enfournez le tout et attendez que votre pâte soit cuite. Une fois sortie du four attendez bien que les cupcakes refroidissent avant de les retirer de leurs caissette a cupcake.

Si votre caissette a cupcake est suffisament robuste, vous pouvez vous passer du moule a cupcake en remplissant directement les caissettes avec de la pâte et en mettant le tout au four.

Pour sortir les cupcakes de leur caissettes, il faut bien attendre que ceux-ci aient refroidis. En effet si vous les enlevez de la caissette cupcake à la sortie du four, ils vont coller au papier et vont finir pas se casser. Alors qu'une fois refroidis ils sont bien plus solides !